How to get a crypto-job

Let’s now talk about how you can get the jobs that are available. We can generally divide skills into soft and hard skills. First, a few general tips:

Most of the things you have learned at uni are unlikely to be useful if you’re looking for a entry-level job. IT and Computer Science are the only relevant subjects. You will also need to know some economics in order to understand market dynamics, token incentive designs, and other financial markets. It is possible to learn valuable skills by participating in the space, learning new things and trying out different techniques.

If you are an entry level 

Skills you need

Senior-level positions benefit enormously from experience (and all other people too). Particularly for positions such as marketing or communications, you’ll need to learn a lot if you haven’t had any exposure to cryptospace before. More technical skills can be transferred.

Employers don’t teach you explicitly, but they do so implicitly. Unless you are a crypto OG (which is rare), you still have a lot of knowledge and will be learning on the job, regardless of your experience and field.

Hard skills

The position you are interested depends on your hard skills. Are you interested in becoming a developer? Coding in Solidity, or at least coding. Product manager? Product design (transferable from other non-blockchain work). Marketer? Marketing campaigns design and execution. While most hard skills can be attributed to a “crypto spin”, few people are entirely new to the space. A basic understanding of blockchains and the sub-niches you are involved in (NFTs/DeFi, exchanges, etc.) is also necessary. Only crypto veterans have spent enough time in this space. Everybody else will learn the trades. However, it is a good idea to have some experience with crypto users.

Soft skills

Have you heard of “learning quickly” and “being adaptable?” This is the most important soft skill you will need every day. It’s difficult to keep up with all the new developments in crypto. Crypto is moving at a rapid pace. You will learn so much more about crypto than you know.

Passion is a must in this space. Cryptocurrency is almost a way to life, and in some cases, even a cult. So be prepared to meet passionate people. It is a sector that offers more bonding and camaraderie than any other. There will be many moments that are “only in crypto”.

It is essential to be self-motivated and independent as the majority of the sector is distributed in a remote and decentralized manner. Startups are accustomed to remote and synchronous work. This is also true for larger companies. You can work whenever you like. You can also work from anywhere. Remember this before you call remote work the greatest thing since sliced bread.

What makes a great candidate?

As a Web3 startup, you can get first-hand insights from both the startup and candidate perspectives. Founders look for specific skills, soft-skills, and cultural compatibility.

You should be able to identify the sub-niche in which you work and have hands-on experience with your hard skills like marketing or coding. If you are interested in working for DeFi Protocol, founders will prefer someone who has DeFi experience or at least is a heavy user. You will need to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the niche. If you have experience in promoting projects or coded applications, this knowledge can be combined with your skills, it is a big plus. To test your knowledge, you can expect to be involved in a trial period during the hiring process.

Soft skills include the ability to communicate well, think critically, and work collaboratively. These are not tips. This is something that most companies will check during an interview. It is important to be comfortable working remotely.

Cultural fit is being in sync with the company’s mission, work culture and values. Every company is unique, so it’s up to you to show how you get along in interviews.

To Wrap it Up: The recruitment process

For the candidate, being hired in crypto is no different to regular jobs. Resume writing is an essential step in the job search process, especially when looking for jobs in the crypto industry. A well-written resume can make all the difference in getting your foot in the door and standing out from other candidates. A professional resume writing service can help you create a resume that showcases your skills and qualifications in a way that is tailored to the crypto industry. They can also help you highlight your relevant experience and achievements, making sure that your resume stands out to potential employers. 

Your cover letter can be more relaxed and creative. It’s not difficult to show that you can speak crypto in this industry. This doesn’t apply to larger companies. In this regard, they’re much like regular financial firms. You can expect to go through a few rounds of interviews, and maybe some exercises. While you won’t be asked questions such as “How does Bitcoin work?” you can expect to be asked about the sector. It is best to admit that you don’t have much experience. Recruitment takes only a few weeks.

Where can I find jobs in crypto?


This is the best way to get hired, as crypto almost always lives on Twitter. You can build a track-record by posting tweets or posts that show your knowledge, or at the very least, your learning process. You can also reach out to other projects via Twitter to offer your volunteer while you’re learning. Even smaller startups are open to any help. Discord serveris a great way to learn and connect with others in the space. It is a good idea to join a few Discord server of your choice. It doesn’t matter how small, any information that draws attention to your name or establishes a track record is invaluable in the future.

Job boards for crypto

A few excellent job boards for crypto will help you to find a job, and what skills are needed. — Personal favorite thanks to daily updates and amount of info. — As good as the previous one. — Frequently updated, but poor user experience. — Regular-ish updates, not as good as the others. — Semi-regular updates. — Good, but US-only and account needed. — Semi-regular updates. — Freelance board to do crypto work. — Jobs in decentralized finance.

Other methods

You could also look for Upwork freelance work, but be prepared to pay low rates at first. is a better option, which offers a decentralized version of Upwork for freelancers. You can also use CoinmarketCap to check which projects are available for hire (quite a few).

Which are the top crypto companies to work at?

It all depends on your goals, since there is no “best” company. Expect to work hard in startups as well as larger companies. Small projects have a more informal culture, almost like you’re working with your friends. They are also more open to guerilla marketing and other non-traditional methods and may be more open to them. It will be very different to work for a blockchain-related company. It all comes down to your preference for the full crypto/Web3 experience (small start-up) or just being in that sector (larger company).

These are the best places to learn more about crypto

It’s ironic that the crypto/Web3 industry is all about decentralization, but it would be a great place to have a central and simple-to-understand resource for beginners. These are some excellent resources for beginners:

3Blue1Brown Bitcoin explanation — This is one of the most viewed videos on Bitcoin (10M views).

99Bitcoins YouTube channel — An extensive resource for learning about Bitcoin basics and more.

Finematics YouTube Channel — Great visual explanation videos on decentralized finance (and many other topics).

The Ultimate DAO Bankless Guide — Practical guides for learning and using cryptocurrency.

Directory about all topics crypto/web3/blockchain — Massive resource by @Darrenlautf, author of “How to Defi,” recommended for intermediate/advanced learners

This should provide you with enough information to start your journey. Welcoming aboard! Let’s get started!

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